HOSCH publications
On Tuesday, our largest running team to date, with 27 HOSCHis, started for the last company run in 2024. We are proud that this year, too, we were able to provide the largest charity team with our donation to the DKMS to support their work in the fight against blood cancer. Tobin Frech gratefully accepted this award.
The atmosphere among the runners and spectators was spirited – especially among our walkers. Crossing the finish line in the impressive Veltins-Arena in Gelsenkirchen after 5.4 km was a special moment for the approximately 4,200 participants.
As in the previous year, the two best HOSCHis were once again Carolin Kramer (55th individual ranking female) and Niklas Lehnert (81st individual ranking male; 87th individual ranking overall). They have run among the top 100!
All participants and the fans who had travelled to the event received HOSCH-Caps. We ended the evening in a cosy atmosphere with snacks and cool drinks in the especially reserved area.
Our goal for next year is to increase the number of participants to at least 30 HOSCHis. Fun, health, teambuilding – HOSCH is looking forward to the 2025 running season!

On 31 August 2024, our team HOSCH with 18 HOSCHis took on the special challenges of the Xletix obstacle run on the heap Hoheward in Herten.
The race started with either a 6 km run with 15 obstacles or a 12 km run with 25 obstacles. We were able to overcome all challenges together with a lot of fun in a breathtaking scenery. During this run, we were able to rise above ourselves as a team.
This is what we take with us from the weekend:
💡 Together we will achieve our goals faster and better as team HOSCH.
💡 Team HOSCH motivates!
Next year we will take on the challenges of a special run as Team HOSCH again!

Internal audits
At HOSCH, our understanding of audits is not limited to checking the audit criteria and detecting non-conformities with the management system. Audits should and can be so much more.
What goals do we pursue at HOSCH with internal audits?
- To discuss cooperation between different departments and jointly look for opportunities for improvement
- Promote mutual learning between the departments – collect and communicate ideas
- Review agreed processes / procedures / documents – question them if necessary
- Record and document the organisation’s knowledge
- Counteract organisational blindness “We’ve always done it this way”
In summary, internal audits are an excellent tool for identifying risks and potential for improvement in the organisation and therefore also in the company’s performance. “Audit” is Latin (audire = to listen). That’s what we do at HOSCH – we listen.

HOSCH Health Day
At the HOSCH Health Day on October 27th, the focus was on health of the back in general and on how to strengthen it. In cooperation with a health insurance company, our HR department put together an exciting day of seminars, workshops and health modules.
Our employees learned how important proper sleep is for our back. They could get active at “Best of Physio – therapeutic exercises to do yourself” and “Back-Up – strengthen your back”.
At individual appointments for a back check, a spine screening and/or a bike fitting, the employees had the opportunity for a check-up followed by an individual consultation.
At the smoothie stand, they got some extra vitamin power with delicious smoothies and ginger shots. A flu vaccination by our company doctor was also possible on prior request, which completed the HOSCH health care offer.
As in previous years, we were again able to gather exciting impulses for maintaining our health. It was a very successful event, and we all look forward to next year´s health day.

As an international company it is important to have knowledge carriers all over the world. In our TTT-Seminar (train the trainer) we teach experienced employees how to properly conduct a training session. The trainer needs to be experienced in technical knowledge about scrapers and conveyor belts but also needs to understand how to successfuly conduct a trainig session. This includes different soft skills and presentation techniques. This time the TTT-Seminar was done with HOSCH employees from Indonesia, South Africa, Australia and Germany

HOSCH is included in the “smart and sustainable mining” section of the “Endeavour” magazine. A short editorial combined with an advertisement presents the global HOSCH product line.
The article has been published in three industry-relevant magazines, where it can reach a combined readership of 1.2 million specialist readers. Of course, an online presence is also included, see page 18/19 at

HOSCH Group and Predge AB agreed to cooperate in accelerating Conveyor Belt Digitalisation
HOSCH Group has just launched its digital portfolio HOSCHiris to complement the existing scraper product lines and to provide future ready services to its global customers. Together with Predge – the technology leader in industrial predictive maintenance from Scandinavia – HOSCH Group will join forces to cooperate in developing digital solutions for Conveyor Belt Monitoring.

Successful digitalisation is interdisciplinary. Without data science, most value of data remains hidden. Without advanced knowledge in a specific field, data science can easily fail to create meaningful value. One requires the other – that’s why respected expertise from Predge and HOSCH will join forces to cooperate in developing digital solutions for Conveyor Belt Monitoring.
Predge is an established player in Scandinavia for edge data science and predictive analytics in industrial digitalisation. This cooperation will generate additional insights from HOSCHiris Data, enabling customers to keep their operation running reliably.
- To be able to offer customers the best solution, we need access to data from various sources, such as maintenance measures and IoT monitoring solutions. By adding data sources from HOSCH digital data portfolio, we will be able to offer world-class data analytics tools for predictive maintenance, boosting customer value of the Predge Conveyor solution, says Simo Pykälistö, CEO at Predge.
- Cooperating with Predge will allow us to develop edge data science and predictive analytics for our customers and partners. It will bring HOSCHiris to a new level. We stay focused on delivering the best-in-class products and services to our clients in both, mechanical and digital applications, says Dirk Heidhues, Managing Director at HOSCH Group